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Shared Desk

MBA Applicants

MBA & Grad School Applicants


Why should you use a consultant? 

The decision to apply to business school is exhilarating. We want to help you every step of the way.  Our goal is to help you grow through the process, even before you get to school, to make the experience rewarding and fun.


To help you along the way, we craft an MBA application strategy, customized to your needs and goals. Our SCG team is there to guide you, be a thought partner, and map activities to your schedule. With interactive online access to your project plan, we help you to discover how to stand out in a deeply competitive pool.


Career Visioning: Envision your future career aspirations with our exercises and personalized guidance


Personal Branding: Receive feedback from others and leverage your strengths and project your future goals to create a memorable, lasting brand.


Goal setting: Craft thoughtful and comprehensive career goals to enhance the depth of your applications.


Evaluate and rank potential future options based on your personal profile, stats, and career values. 


ProValues: Engage in the ProValues exercise to determine your individual career values based on your environment, nature of work, and compensation.



We will partner with you throughout the school selection process and recommend programs that are a good fit for your set of goals.


School Selection: Our MBA Evaluator will help determine a number of schools you may not have considered based on your application profile.


Program Summaries: Our MBA program summaries will include links and insights to the types of programs and resources that schools offer.


Brainstorming Exercises: We will draw out your most memorable life experiences to highlight in your application materials.


Themes and Story Mapping: We will work to craft the core themes that will be present in your full application materials.


Process Support: Customized project management to ensure you remain on track to execute efficiently and on-time.

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How can we work together?

MBA Package Solutions

Designed for clients seeking end-to-end support in their applications, or unsure how much support they will need. A school package includes all support needed for a school's application, including resume review, social media advisory, interview support and scholarship negotiations. 

Hourly Options

Designed for clients seeking more targeted support. For instance, are you a good writer, but want help crafting your message? Or, do you know your story, but need help with essay edits? This option could be for you. Plus, you will have a chance to convert to an MBA Package if you choose.

Need a quick review? ($599)

Seeking targeted feedback on an application you have submitted, or one close to completion? Consider a 1-hour review of your applications to gain specific feedback

Online Project Plan ($299)

Unsure if you want advice right away? Start with our $299 online project plan, customized to your target schools. You have full freedom on your plan.

Think you might want to get started?

Already Earned an Interview?

Your written application is only 50% of the process - the other 50% is the interview! Through our individual coaching and online resources, we will prepare you for even the toughest questions.

Virtual Interview Preparation ($100)

If you want to practice whenever you want, but still want access to interview questions customized to the schools you're applying to, based on actual questions our clients have been asked, consider our virtual experience that will allow you to practice whenever you want.

Options for Partnering with SCG:

Standard Interview Preparation

As you prepare for interviews, the cliché holds true: practice makes perfect! While you cannot anticipate ALL the questions you’ll be asked, you can certainly prepare key themes and examples, and then practice refining your message in a realistic mock interview using common questions your particular school has asked. 

  • Interview strategy session: 60 minutes of interview preparation (either general or school-specific) - $500

Note: for HBS mock interviews, scroll below. Click for Wharton.

Harvard Business School

Coaching clients through hundreds of HBS interviews over the years has taught us it is a more intense experience than other schools for most applicants. For instance, your interviewer will have reviewed your full application (essays, transcripts, resume, etc.) and you’ll have a 30-minute Q&A session that requires more efficient storytelling. The best interview results have been from candidates who are succinct, can provide thoughtful insight into their full application, and have anticipated the questions to come.

To prepare you for this, we’ve provided the interview preparation options below to tailor our sessions to your needs.

Package A


One 30-minute interview strategy session + one 60-minute full interview session (30-minute interview, 30-minute feedback) -

Package B


One 60-minute interview strategy session + two 60-minute full interview sessions (30-minute interview, 30 minute feedback). Note: this includes unlimited access to standardized web-based video practice tools.

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